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Can pantoprazole cause breathing difficulties and anxiety?


foreverblue2 17 July 2021

Both of those are a side effect of this medication... and nobody knows what will be said about this drug later on. There are so many side effects for this drug that it makes you scared to take it. Always with any drug you are prescribed be sure to read at least the side effects of the drug. If your drug store does not give you a paper with that info on it then ask for one! You need to know what to look out for. I always read the enclosed information on any new drug I am prescribed then I file it into my medical expandable folder. I keep those after the year is over I file those drug info sheets into my large file cabinet. Doctors tend to not know much about side effects of drugs... the pharmacist is the one that keeps up with drug information. Drug companies send representatives to push their new drugs and they do come bringing gifts both big and small and they offer incentives for doctors that prescribe their drug the most. Some doctors only know what the drug reps tell them about the drug... a few doctors take the time to look up and learn more about the drug. You have to be diligent and do your research when it comes to your health.

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chuck1957 22 May 2014

Ali from what it says.Yes shortness of breath is a side effect which if your not breathing right that could aslo increase anxiety or make you feel that way due to the hard time breathing i would call your doctor and let them know what is going on with you and it does list enough changes that could very much make you feel like anxiety such as skaking,tremors and also changes in mental being so sounds like you had better call your doctor..and good see

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anxiety, pantoprazole, breathing

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